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Re: [ARSCLIST] Recordings of lynchings?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marie OConnell" <Marie.OConnell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Dear Roger,
> I meant to reply earlier and was a little surprised that no one else
> seemed to notice your comment. I'm not one to jump to conclusions, but
> are you saying you sold a postcard depicting a lynching to a unknown
> person for profit?
> The  postcard may be evidence of a serious crime. The victim's family
> could be deeply hurt by the circulation of this image. Surely it would
> be better kept in a reputable institution than circulating with unknown
> "collectors"?
The problem is that this "serious crime" (which, indeed, it SHOULD have
been...?!), probably occurred several decades ago...! Thus, while it may
have been possible to identify some of the participants (or, in fact,
who they WERE...?!) from the postcard, the harsh reality is that most
if not all of the so-identified offenders are too dead to be hauled into
court to answer for their actions...!

Further, it is all too likely that there exist few, if any, currently-
alive parties who might be able to identify the personae...?!

In fact, my biggest worry is that the card, once sold, will wind up
in the hands of devoted racists (who still exist in the US of A,
especially in its southern regions...?!) who will use it to promote
similar fates for all "non-WASP" individuals...?!

Steven C. Barr

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