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Re: [ARSCLIST] ^ BBQ Your Vinyl Onto CD. Is ths legal ?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James L Wolf" <jwol@xxxxxxx>
> The RIAA is certainly trying to put an end to this sort of fair use in the
case of CDs, and wouldn't mind it applying to all other formats. But for now,
the law is on their side.
Actually, I expect the RIAA to:

1) Go to the United Nations in an effort to get "Bono's Law" fixed as
the applicable term and definition of sound-recording copyright anywhere
on the planet Earth...as well as any other non-terrestrial location to
be populated in the future...

2) Introduce a quota for EVERY person as to the number of sound
recordings which MUST be purchased...with very severe penaties
applied to failures to meet same...

3) Require by international law that commercial sound recordings
(under US copyright) be declared the ONLY legal means of accessing
music (i.e. NO more live musical performances, NO whistling or
humming of songs in public or private, and those music boxes, or
even antique pull toys for the kiddies which play music, et al...
MUST be destroyed or rendered permanently silent...!).

Why, at this very moment, there may be a party in Kazakhstan
(probably a COMMIE, too?!) who is entertaining his neighbour
on a home-made balalaika...?!


Steven C. Barr

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