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Re: [ARSCLIST] Soviet Recordings

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Dnjchi@xxxxxxx>
> that they are sung by (on label) 'famous Russion  jazz-man, Leonid Utrosol'
> (sp?).  Side One reads, Ken3n AXOHC (Casey  Jones); side two translated reads
> of Unemployed America'.  Side one:  M 22023 and handwritten 1239--2/18; side
> two: M 22079 and 1249-2/48.  They  are on the Hechia (from cyrillic) label.
Well, Harpo Marx claimed that Russian posters for him called him
"Exacto Mapcase"...which is actually somewhat accurate for "Harpo
Marx" when rendered in Cyrillic...?!

And "Song of Unemployed America" DOES sound like how the Communists
might have interpreted "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime" (one of two
thirties songs that actually ADMITTED there was a depression going on...?!).


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