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Re: [ARSCLIST] Same thing both sides

Quoting David Lennick <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

each side has the
second and third movement! Not from the same stamper either..side 1 is
P1-18002-D5 and side 2 is P2-18002-D2.

Are you sure it is not just a loooooooooooooong repeat??

I have a Stokowski album where this occurred as well (United
Artists..both sides play Schelomo in the mono version.

Maybe one side was the left channel and the other the right channel. You just think it is mono.

Which as far as
I'm concerned is twice too often, but that's my problem.)

Should we report you to the ADL?

Mike Biel mbiel@xxxxxxx m.biel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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