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Re: [ARSCLIST] An odd little record

It might be of some historical value,depending on the content,and if it is playable.I came across one from Pepsi=Cola,that said "From our man in the service" on the label,and was from 1942 or '43.The lamination on it was so far gone,that it was unplayable.I would assume this was a laminated disc,given the legendary shellac shortage during the war,that led to all those millions of Robert Johnson 78s,and imported 1909 John Barbirolli cello 78s,being ground up to paint jeeps and bombs.


Clark Johnsen <clarkjohnsen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: Buddy of mine has a WWII-vintage disc sent home from the front, and we're
wondering if anyone knows about such things before we drop the needle.

It says "Salvation Army" on it, measures 6.5" diameter and is white.


clark (lapsed member, but I'll be back)

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