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[ARSCLIST] Radio airchecks sought: Woodman and Rich ^

Pardon the cross-posting and the off-topic nature of this request, but if anyone can pass this on to any OTR groups or individuals specializing in disc jockeys and material from the sixties, the families of these performers would be most grateful. Toronto broadcaster Keith Rich died a couple of weeks ago, and in the early sixties he and Steve Woodman were considered one of the top teams in morning radio in Vancouver (CKWX), then Toronto (CKEY). Their success led them to follow the lure of the Big Apple and they did a couple of years in New York on WNBC before Keith returned to Toronto in 1964. Amazingly, no members of either Keith's or Steve's families has any airchecks of the duo, and CKEY was notorious for not maintaining any sort of archive. WNBC..no idea. Museum of Television and Radio a possible? If anyone has any leads or suggestions, I'll pass them on to the various Woodmans and Riches.


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