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Re: [ARSCLIST] Lossy compression losing quality (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Pristine Audio and the Milllennials . . .)

Howard Friedman wrote:

Stupid question, how does one get to CDA format in the first place?

We're back to this again?

There is no CDA file, no CDA format. The format written onto a standard, audio CD (CD-DA) is a bitstream complying with the redbook. It is pointless to try to write such a bitstream anywhere else: it has no extension, nop existence as a file, so it cannot be written onto the computer's hard drive.

What you want is a WAV (or AIFF) in the format specified in the redbook: two channels, sixteen bits per sample per channel, 44100 samples per second, uncompressed PCM audio. When you go to write the CD-DA, the file is transformed painlessly into the appropriate bitstream. Other formats may be converted to redbook on the fly while burning to CD-DA, but that is not generally a good idea.


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