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[ARSCLIST] For 78-Lers re: Earl Okin

The 78-L list has been down all this week and I know there are 78-Lers  here  
who might want to know the news. I hope it's okay to post the  message below 
that  I received from Earl's US Booking  agent.


On Sun, 9 Dec 2007 16:00:48 +0000 Spats  <_spats47@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
(mailto:spats47@xxxxxxxxxxxx) >   writes:
> Relatives and Friends,
> I'm sorry to have  to  let you know that my mum died this morning.
> Two weeks  ago or  so, my mum burnt her hand with oil while cooking.
> Though  not a bad  burn as they go, she must have gone into shock  some
> days  later, for she then developed a chest  infection.
> A course of  antibiotics seemed to have cleared  it up though she was
> still  feeling a little weak and  wasn't coming downstairs yet.
> Two  nights ago she wasn't  feeling well and we called the doctor in
> the  morning. He told her  that her lungs were fine but she perhaps
> should  have more  antibiotics, just to make sure. She began a new
> course  yesterday  and I had no serious concern about her.
> Last might,  she  seemed much better and also re-assured when I tucked
> her   in and kissed her good-night. She'd been chatting that evening
>  about  'The X Factor' and being rude about it and so on. In other
>  words, she  was as sharp as a tack...as always.
> However,  when I awoke this  morning, I found her dead on her bed.

> She'd  woken up and put on her dressing gown, sat on the bed  and  then
> the light went out forever.
> I don't   yet know when the funeral will be, but it will most likely
>  be
>  at the Hoop Lane Crematorium hear Golders Green  around
>  Tuesday/Wednesday.
> If you want to know more  and wish to come  along, call me on Monday
> evening.
>  0207.727  6375.
> I should know more by them. Everything is  closed on  Sundays it
> seems.
> Naturally, I'm typing  this as if I'm  watching myself in a film. It's
> all  unreal.
>  She would have been 95yo this coming  Tuesday.
> Keep  well.
> Earl  Okin.

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