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Re: [ARSCLIST] re 78-L list

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Lennick" <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> For those suffering from 78-L withdrawal..
> ron@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> > The 78-L server crashed a few days ago.  I am on a business trip out of
> > the state, so I cannot bring up a replacement till I get back on Friday
> > night.
> > Probably Saturday morning will be the earliest we can be back up and
> >    Sorry for the delay
> >    Ron Fial  78-L list manger
> >
Well Saturday has done came, and dommed near done went...and the only
78-L-related traffic that has (dis?)graced my Inbox was an off-list
relay of a much earlier 78-L list (still bearing the "[78-L]" logo,
which brought my hopes up...?!). In fact, my total message count for
a 24-hour previous period (2030EST to 2030EST give or take) was a
mere 65 messages, which included 8 spam and 3 phish e-mails...!

After all, it IS somewhat difficult to find other parties who are
willing to display any interest in which takes of an obscure Grey
Gull "Jigs & Reels" side were ever actually issued...?! Let alone
those who can and will tolerate complicated and convoluted examples
of word play...?!

78-L is not only a great substitute for Prozac (R-TM), but it's
a LOT cheaper, at $0.00/dose...?!

Steven C. Barr

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