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Re: [ARSCLIST] Internet audio: What do you expect of it ?

This is the same generation that for some unaccountable reason wants to look at television and movies on a cellphone.



Steven C. Barr(x) wrote:
Note that when FM radio first appeared (c.1946, IIRC...) its primary
competition/comparison was *AM* radio! In fact, as I recall, much of
the programming on early FM stations was classical music...mainly
because its "fans" were more likely to appreciate FM's much-improved

In the fifties (my youth...!), most young people listened to AM, and
usually to the "Top 20" rock'n'roll hits. Thus, there was very little
interest in "high fidelity" reproduction...and AM (they didn't yet
have FM radio in cars...!) served the purpose quite well. There WERE
"hi-fi nuts"...all adults, though, and mostly more interested in
bragging about their systems than listening to them!

In the sixties, there was much more interest in decent-quality audio...
and, as well, FM stations started playing rock music (and usually
full-length versions of hits,too...!) Most young people had reasonable-
quality component-stereo setups, also...lots of Dual turntables fed
into decent-quality systems. The old "record players" were either
tossed or given to younger siblings...!

These days, for the younger crowd the idea seems to be VOLUME rather
than quality...doesn't have to be hi-fi...but it DOES have to be at
earth-shaking levels (especially in vehicles)! So, if one can
download an MP3 for $0.00, rather than buying a CD for a lot more...
well, "free" wins out!

Steven C. Barr

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