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[ARSCLIST] ARSCers' Night out in S.F.

As I'm giving a presentation on the history of the Jazz Man Record Shop and  
Jazz Man record label, I'd like to set up a dinner on one of the nights of the 
 ARSC conference at the site of the old Dawn Club in San Francisco, where Lu  
Watters' Yerba Buena Jazz Band held court back in the 1940s. The club itself 
is  long gone, but there is still a jazz club and restaurant in the same 
building  and I thought it would be neat to have a get-together there. The name of 
the  club is now Annie's and the address is 20 Annie Street, just south of 
Market. If  anyone is interested in doing this, please let me know who you are, 
and which  night of the conference you would prefer to go. I'll check to see if 
there are  any musical events going on for any of those nights (I would 
imagine there would  be).
Transportation can easily be arranged. I'll have a car since I'm driving up  
from the L.A. area. However, since parking is often abominably expensive and  
difficult to find in San Francisco, we can all probably meet somewhere in 
South  S.F. and take BART into the City, since the club is within  easy walking 
distance (less than 1/2 mile)  of the Montgomery St.  station along Market 
Street. I'd be happy to transport three people to the BART  station with me. Here's 
a map:
Cary Ginell
Origin Jazz Library
_www.originjazz.com_ (http://www.originjazz.com) 

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