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Re: [ARSCLIST] A Holiday vision

On 29/12/07, phillip holmes wrote:
> There are plenty of jazz LPs that make me cry because of envy (that I
> wish I was that talented) and sadness (they're pretty much all gone
> and we'll never see anything like Duke Ellington's band again). I
> could site many popular and classical recordings, too, that move me
> for a number of reasons. Maybe I'm just a crybaby.
It's those big ol' tears that make it all worth while. Let's be thankful
we have recordings of Ellington and the rest to archive.

If only recording had been invented earlier, we could have Haydn's band
as well as Ellington's and Bennie Moten's.

With a bit of ingenuity, an Ancient Egyptian could have invented
acoustic recording.  

Don Cox

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