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Re: [ARSCLIST] opera question

Hi Sue!

I found some additional Cesti opera-recordings to the one mentioned by Mike
in our online catalogue...
(for good news/bad news on La Dori, scroll down to bottom of mail)

The Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound (NIRS) has about 10 hits with
Cesti recordings, on the Opera side there is:
-the Orontea with René Jacobs (Harmonia Mundi).
-The aria "Intorno all' idol mio" (also Orontea) (on EMI Italiana, on Ace
of Diamonds, Decca & on IME Pathé Marconi)
- "Air de Vénus" from "Il Pomo d' oro" (The Golden Apple) (L' anthologie
Sonore, a French 78)

Just because one doesn't find a commercial recording of a piece online
doesn't necessarily mean there isn't one... NIRS has f.instance an off-air
recording from RAI Radio of Cesti's Orontea with Bartoletti! Is your
student ardent enough to try searching the Radio Archives, especially RAI?

And that's just from searching the NIRS online catalogue:
If you are looking for something, please bear in mind that only 20% of our
holdings (120'000 LPs, 50'000 78's and 8'000 magnetic tapes, etc) are
catalogued, so if you don't find it in the online catalogue, we might just
find it on the shelves anyway. Please contact us, we'll have a look for

Enough about NIRS, it's the La Dori that is in question here.

There is a Discography of Operas done by Carlo Marinelli calle ODE
(currently Opera titles from A to J, a work in progress...):
http://www.carlomarinelli.it/  (scroll down a bit for English introduction,
which includes a warning:
"ODE is not merely an overview of what currently exists, but also of what
existed in the past, be it only for a single day. Therefore it?s not
surprising that it includes ? in some cases in great numbers ? recordings
which are no longer available, or which have been withdrawn from the market
for any given reason".

Then click in the left column: DONP
Then scroll down a bit, or click on "Dori, La" in the right column,

and guess what... There is a recording of "La Dori" with the following
interprets: Gabriele Lombardi; Marco Ricagno; Lucia Sciannimanico and the
Complesso Opera Barocca with  Sandro Volta behind the baton:

Good News:
Tactus, TC 620 301 (digital CD)

Bad News: can't find it anywhere (online)... Not even at Tactus Records'
website: http://www.tactus.biz/store/
As Marinelli warned - it's most likely off the market. Perhaps your best
bet is to contact Marinelli himself (see website) and see if he can direct
you further.

I'll have a look monday on what I can find on the NIRS shelves -

Archivally yours,
Jacqueline von Arb
Director, Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound (www.recordedsound.no)

-----Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx>
wrote: -----

To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Mike Richter <mrichter@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx>
Date: 01/04/2008 05:41PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] opera question

Susan T Stinson wrote:
> Hi, all:  I may be looking for a needle in a haystack here, but on the
> other hand, we collectively seem to come up with answers, so... in
> assisting a student here, I am trying to determine if there is a
> recording of the opera La Dori, by Antonio Cesti.  It was written in
> 1657, and performed often around Venice during that century.  I was
> hoping that even Musical Heritage had done it, but having navigated a
> pile of print and online sources, I come up with nothing.  There are
> manuscripts (facs of the original, which appears to be in the British
> Library) but not one recording.
> Can any of you tell me definitely, one way or the other, if this exists
> anywhere?
> Thanks.
> Sue

It is difficult to prove a negative, but the only Cesti opera available
in any of the usual senses is the Orontea under Jacobs.

For such research, may I recommend Ommer's CD-ROM
  Verzeichnis aller Operngesamtaufnahmen
from Digitale Bibliothek? Inexpensive and invaluable, though also
incomplete and not always correct.


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