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Re: [ARSCLIST] Libraries, circulation copies and fair use

At 1/8/2008 04:19 PM, Tom Fine wrote:
I'm asking simply -- can a library ciculate a COPY if their ORIGINAL is out of print, likely to be destroyed by circulation or otherwise hard or impossible to replace.

It doesn't specifically address your question, but here's an excerpt from the U.S. Copyright Office's Summary of the 1998 Copyright Act (http://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf):

"Exemption for Nonprofit Libraries and Archives
Section 404 of the DMCA amends the exemption for nonprofit libraries and archives in section 108 of the Copyright Act to accommodate digital technologies and evolving preservation practices. Prior to enactment of the DMCA, section 108 permitted such libraries and archives to make a single facsimile (i.e., not digital) copy of a work for purposes of preservation or interlibrary loan. As amended, section 108 permits up to three copies, which may be digital, provided that digital copies are not made available to the public outside the library premises. In addition, the amended section permits such a library or archive to copy a work into a new format if the original format becomes obsolete?that is, the machine or device used to render the work perceptible is no longer manufactured or is no longer reasonably available in the commercial marketplace."

John Ross

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