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[ARSCLIST] AFC Announce: Register Now for New Deal Symposium, Library of Congress

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The American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, Announces a
Art, Culture & Government: The New Deal at 75     March 13-14, 2008

Registration for Art, Culture & Government: The New Deal at 75, a  
Library of Congress symposium, is now available on line -- please  
visit http://www.loc.gov/folklife/newdeal/register-newdeal.php for  
the registration form.

On March 13-14, 2008, leading scholars from throughout the United  
States will join experts from the Library of Congress in a free  
public presentation at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. The 

symposium will re-focus attention on the New Deal, the multi-faceted  
social, cultural, and fiscal recovery programs launched by the  
Roosevelt administration in 1933, to reform and reinvigorate national 

life in the wake of the Great Depression.

Presented by of the American Folklife Center at the Library of  
Congress, in collaboration with the Center for the Book, John W.  
Kluge Center, and the Prints and Photographs Division, with the  
Manuscript Division, the Music Division, the Rare Books Division, and 

the Recorded Sound Division.

For additional information on the program, please visit http:// 

For questions or comments please contact the program coordinator,  
Nancy Groce, at ngro@xxxxxxx or 202-707-1744.

Posted by:

Stephanie A. Hall
Librarian: Automated Reference Specialist
American Folklife Center   http://www.loc.gov/folklife
Library of Congress           shal@xxxxxxx

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