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[ARSCLIST] New auction list now available

Hi Everyone,

Auction 122 - Spring Fever, is now available either as regular printed booklet by mail or by email in PDF format.  Some of the highlights of this large auction are:

* Brown wax cylinders
* 7, 8 and 9 inch early discs
* Victor Monarch and Grand Prize records
* Vintage popular and jazz sheet music
* A collection of unusual 1920s labels
* Historical, personality and popular vocal 78s
* A selection of "mini" records, all smaller than 10 inches
* Record catalogs, books, magazines and promotional items
* More Jazz and Blues rarities from the Elwood collection
* Hundreds of regular jazz and blues 78s
* Jazz books, biographies and discographies
* Dance bands from the 1920s and 1930s
* Pre-war country and hillbilly records
* A group of jazz 10" LPs
* Rhythm & Blues and Rock 78s
* Movie and TV stars on record
* Classical selections - both acoustic and electric
* Early operatic complete sets
* Classical related books and magazines
* Popular and classical Edison Diamond Discs
* A good selection of 2 and 4 minute cylinders
* And the highlight - more Edison Diamond Discs, brand new and unplayed, from an early Edison dealer's new/old stock  (including many electrics)

Interested?  Copies of the auction were sent to all our regular bidders on Friday Feb. 22.  If you are not on our mailing list and would like to receive either a printed or an electronic copy, just contact us off list with your name and mailing information and we'll send a copy to you right away.

SPECIAL for list members!  If you have not received any of our auction lists previously, be sure and ask for the New Bidder Discount Coupon.  This will entitle you to a 10% discount on all of your winning bids - sales tax and postage excluded.


Tom Hawthorn
Hawthorn's Antique Audio

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