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[ARSCLIST] Bolshoi Russlan

Anyone know if the Bolshoi "Russlan" conducted by Kondrashin was recorded in 1952 or 1956, as has been suggested by one source? The sound is just too good for 1952.


{4LPS}; Westminster OPW 11003-11006 {4LPS} *Parlophone-Odeon PMA.1033-1036 {4LPS}
Compact Disc; - Voce della Luna VL 2006-3 {3CDS} (1996)ª; Mike Richter Audio Encyclopedia AE 206 (Russian Opera) {1xCD-ROM} (2000)ª; Great Hall CD 006/8 {3CDS}; Live Opera Heaven C 762-56 {3CDS} (2003)ª; Cantus Classics 500759 {2CDS} (2006)ª
Comments:- The year of this recording is given as 1956 in Live Opera Heaven's «February 2003 Update».


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