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Re: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [post-war-blues] Ace and Bear Family Releases May be Unavailable in US Soon?

-----Original Message-----
>From Dick Spottswood: "...These and other responsible Euro outfits provide
quality reissues of 
licensed material of interest to minority audiences.   Let's applaud their 
efforts and not enable anyone who'd like to see the situation change..."


Licensed is licensed. I suppose licenses can be limited and expire but the
only thing that could ever be subject to a lawsuit would be an unlicensed
release and one would be very hard-pressed to manufacture anything
unlicensed in Europe because the copyright laws are lots stricter and
mechanical fees have to be paid to the pressing plants who then pay the
music publishers.

Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN
Mastering, Audio for Picture, Mix Evaluation and Quality Control
Over 40 years making people sound better than they ever imagined!
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