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Re: [ARSCLIST] Jochum Bruckner info needed


I do not have the DGG Jochum Bruckner 4th but my January 1968 Schwann catalog 
lists DGG 139134/5, the number in bold indicating stereo, with Jochum 
conducting the Berlin Philharmonic, backed with five unidentified "sacred works" sung 
in Latin by the Bavarian Radio Chorus.

I am aware that the Berlin Philharmonic is not the Bavarian Radio Symphony, 
so maybe this is a remake that will not be useful to you.  I do have Jochum's 
set of Bruckner's 5th, 138967/68 (stereo), and the orchestra is that of that of 
the Bavarian Radio.  Could there have been a mistake in Schwann?  The LP land 
says, "(P) 1958."

Jim Long
Baroda, MI

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