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Re: [ARSCLIST] Glass Records

And in my experience, glass based discs seem far less prone to palmitic acid. The lacquer wears equally on North American glass and aluminum discs. The gelatin coating on European discs is another matter, and from what I understand, impossible to clean without dissolving it.


George Brock-Nannestad wrote:
From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad


Roger asked:

General question about glass lacquers,which I have seen very few of,do they
have the same problem as metal acetates,whereby they can be played only a
few times without serious groove damage ?

----- no, not at all. Many of them are very durable if played with a properly sized stylus in a modern, fairly-compliant cartridge. And so are most aluminum-based lacquers. But if you insist on using an old Victrola, even if you use trailing needles, you will not have more than 20 plays before the sound is gone (and it never would have been good, but that is what they had to resort to in the old days).

The greatest risk in handling is breaking of the glass sheet, followed by delamination, which could occur any time without touching the record.

Kind regards,


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