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[ARSCLIST] ECPA brings its work to a close

With apologies for cross-posting



The European Commission on Preservation and Access was established in
1994 to promote the preservation of the documentary heritage in Europe.
This year, with the finalization of the TAPE project
<http://www.tape-online.net/> , the ECPA will bring its work to a close.


Reorganizations within the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and
Sciences, the home of the ECPA ever since its foundation, forced the
ECPA Board to consider whether to continue on another footing, or bring
the work to an end. Given the profound changes in the field over the
past decade, it was concluded that the new environment requires its own
new networks, and restructuring the ECPA to meet these needs was not the
best option. The ECPA was never meant to live forever, and so now is the
time to wrap up its activities.


Over the years the ECPA has been involved in such diverse subjects as
microfilming, deacidification, photographic collections, digital
preservation and audiovisual collections. It has taken part in many
conferences and seminars, produced a list of publications, maintained
several websites and organized a variety of training courses. 


All of this would not have been possible without the support the ECPA
received over the years from many institutions and colleagues. The ECPA
Board and staff wish to express their sincere gratitude to all those who
supported their work and cooperated with them in many different ways. 


The websites of the ECPA will remain on air for some time, and all the
information resources have been transferred to several other
organizations, who will use them for their own activities. The mailing
lists of the ECPA, EPIC-LST, Inkcorrosion-L, SEPIA-LST, and TAPE, will
close at the end of July. 

The email address ecpa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ecpa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  will
be functioning for another month or so. 

European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) 
c/o Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 
P.O. Box 19121, NL-1000 GC  Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
Visiting address: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, NL-1011 JV
T ++31 - 20 - 551 08 39   
F ++31 - 20 - 620 49 41 


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