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Re: [ARSCLIST] Scotch Master 90 cassette sticking

I have yet to find sticky oxide syndrom with cassette tape. What i have found most often are 1) uneven winds where the  tape has been stopped and started in various places...rewing the pack forward to the end and then rewing to the beginning.
2) Very often, the splicing tape that attaches the tape to the leader oozes  adhesive along the edge and  drags or actually sticks on the liners as it turns. Remake the splice by pulling  it out of the cassette and using 1/2" of splicing tape. (if you can find it).  If all you want is to play the tape for transfer then clear scotch mending tape will work. 
If you take the housing apart make sure you clean the area of the liner where the outside edge of the hub and any leaking adhesive would be deposited on the liner.


--- On Sun, 7/13/08, Marie OConnell <Marie.OConnell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Marie OConnell <Marie.OConnell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Scotch Master 90 cassette sticking
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 1:50 PM
> The only other thing I will add is about the shell itself. 
> If the shell
> is glued together, rather than screwed, take care when
> rehousing the
> cassette.  You will have to break open the shell along the
> seam line
> being careful not to damage the tape inside and trying not
> to let the
> tape unravel off the spool.
> Other than that, good luck!
> Cheers
> Marie
> Marie O'Connell
> Analogue Tape Preservation Archivist
> Sound Archives/Nga Taonga Korero
> PO Box 1531
> Radio New Zealand House
> Level 1, 51 Chester Street West
> Christchurch
> Phone  +64 3 374 8443
> Fax  + 64 3 374 8448
> www.soundarchives.co.nz 
> --- My opinions do not necessarily represent those of my
> institutions
> ---
> >>> Tbroo@xxxxxxx 14/07/2008 1:51 a.m.
> >>>
> My apologies if this has been answered in the past, but can
> anyone
> suggest  
> how to get Scotch Master 90 cassettes that are sticking to
> play through
> at 
> least  once for transfer to a new medium?
> These are consumer cassettes from the 1970s or 80s in which
> the tape
> winds  
> around a fixed (not rotating) metal post, across the
> recording/playback
> pad,  
> around another post at the other corner of the front of the
> shell, and
> then 
> back  to the takeup pack. The tape stops dead repeatedly,
> especially in
> mid-reel. 
> There does not seem to be any evidence of flaking and when
> disassembled
>  (the 
> shell is held together by phillips head screws) the
> interior is clean.
> My  
> suspicion is that the tape has dried out and is sticking
> either to
> itself or to  
> the metal posts. I've seen some suggestions that
> problematic cassette
> tapes 
> be  lifted out and placed in a new shell, but would this
> help if the
> tape 
> itself is  the problem? Would some type of lubricant work?
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Tim Brooks
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> shows and the live
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