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Re: [ARSCLIST] lp, cassette, 8-track cut-outs?

#1...Yes, "cut-outs" still exist...albeit in a different form...!

#2...I have so far acquired an impressive collection of Hindsight CD's...
for $1 each at "Dollarama" (Canadian listeners take note...!!)

#3...I also acquired ten or twelve cassettes on the "Alligator" label...
again for $1 each...at another local "dollar store"...?!

Moral of the story:  yes, record labels still have to dispose of
stuff that DIDN'T sell (and may NEVER...?!)...! To-day's
"cut-outs" are most likely to be CD's...but, there are STILL
CD's that didn't...and won't...sell, and therefore have to be
disposed of...?!

Check yer local "dollar store," folkses...?!

Steven C. Barr

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