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Re: [ARSCLIST] ELP Turntable (Re(2): [ARSCLIST] RIAA EQ software)

Charles Lawson wrote:

"Michael H. Gray" <mhgray@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

I am not sure that the original statement about an LP eventually being more 'faithful' to
the 'original sound' of the master tape is any more than a fanciful supposition ...

Oh, it's definitely more than a fanciful supposition. Masters well-stored over a long time can (and often do!) develop problems that a non-worn LP will not exhibit. (It's one of the reasons that the BBC would cut 78s and LPs of their taped materials to be used as their permanent archive instead of tape.) The LP *will* have problems of its own, of course, but those problems may be preferable to the print-through, high frequency loss, distortion etc. of a tape. As with most things, it's a case-by-case sort of thing.

unless, of course, you've exposed your masters to stray magnetic fields ... in which case, you're not
taking good enough care of your tapes to begin with.

You would be amazed what even major labels have done... Still, even if you are storing things properly, entropy will get ya--more so with any frictional medium.

Charles Lawson <clawson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Professional Audio for CD, DVD, Broadcast & Internet

Dear Charles -

Hmm ... my experience with tape masters from 1951 doesn't gibe with that. Print-through, sure; distortion, yep, even with properly executed bias, 'cause tape isn't a linear medium. HF loss? Ya gotta convince me on that one.

I've probably visited more 'major label' tape vaults and examined more tapes than I'd like to remember ... and I don't recall mastering engineers anywhere using these tape complaining about HF loss from masters. I remain skeptical ... but would love to have specific examples cited to convince me.

Mike Gray

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