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Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSC Journal needed..repeat

Steven C. Barr wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "David Lennick" <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sorry, I cited the wrong issue (15:1 instead of 13:1) but the one I want is also out of print.
Vol 13:1 (Out of Print)
A Discotopolgy Primer; Discography--Pre-LP Recordings of RCA at 33 1/3 rpm, 1931-1934, Part 1: Selective Discography of the Civil Rights Movement; book and record reviews.

Since one assumes that copies (or at least ONE copy...?!) of these "out of print"
items MUST still exist...would it not be possible...even simple...to use a scanner
to create digital images of these...which could then be printed out as someone
might request...?!

While the digitization of information has been problematic for those in charge of
preserving it...it has also substantially simplified the process thereof (even if the
archived data has yet to reflect that fact...?!)!!

I wonder why all the ARSC archives aren't online somewhere..even for pay.

BTW...wotinell is "discotopology?!"

A Charlie Parker record.

Since we know that "topology" involves the study of what are essentially one-dimensional surfaces..."discotopology, " it seems, would involve the study of the surfaces of phonorecords...and thus, by logical extension. concern the playing of IMAGES of these same phonorecord surfaces...?!


It sounds like something I don't want to know about, possibly requiring thin membranous gloves and a sedative.


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