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Re: [ARSCLIST] Aren't recordings original sources?

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Larry S Miller <lmiller@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Don,
>  Assuming I accept your view that audible differences in cables are a
> reflection of improper design in either or both of the connected units,

And how can you not? It's a truism!

> what choice does the average person have to better the sound of his or
> her system?  Most people are not in a position to correct design flaws.
> So, short of replacing the offending equipment, if one can even
> determine which unit is at fault, accessories such as cables are the
> only choice one has.

'Deed so.

>  And, as someone pointed out earlier, most stores
> offer loaners so potential customers can hear the difference, or lack
> thereof, in their own system, not in some audio showroom.

Seems fair enough. And yet... the sneers, the uncurious "scepticism".

>  No one would be happier than I if all audio companies offered
> reasonably priced equipment that sounded so good that cables & such
> offered no audible improvement, but until that day comes, it remains a
> viable option; confusing and susceptible to scams, perhaps, but viable
> nonetheless.

Man, did you ever say that right!


> Larry Miller
> In my opinion, if you can hear a difference between interconnects,
> there
> is something wrong with the design of either the output stage of the
> sending box, or the input stage of the receiving box, or both.
> It seems likely that the output stages of almost all CD players are
> seriously under-powered. Also the input impedance of many amps is too
> low, so they draw current from these output stages, instead of
> measuring
> voltage.
> >>> Don Cox <doncox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 10/21/2008 11:08 AM >>>
> On 20/10/08, Larry S Miller wrote:
> >     The current discussion of power cables brought me back to my
> > days as an audio equipment salesman.
> >     In the late 70's, Bob Fulton had the temerity to market a set of
> > interconnect cables for the outrageous price of (are you sitting
> down)
> > $30/pair.  To say they were met with scepticism is an
> understatement;
> > condemnation was more like it.  This is understandable since, as the
> > time, interconnects ran about $5/pair.
> >     I was among the muttering sceptics.  How could anyone in good
> > conscience charge $30 for cables?
> >     Then I listened to them. As I recall, the first words out of my
> mouth
> > were, â
> >     I felt very conflicted about this. One the one hand, I was
> delighted
> > that for only $30, I could have as large an effect as replacing my
> > power amp; on the other, I was still hung up about paying $30 for a
> > pair of cables. Eventually, I caved and bought a set, which I still
> > have.
> >     Through the years,  I’ve heard many cables, some good, some
> > not, and I’ve come to a few conclusions.  One reason audio cables
> are
> > particularly difficult to review is that, more than most types of
> > equipment, cables are synergistic.  Their performance, good or bad,
> > varies with the equipment they are connecting.  An interconnect may
> > sound good between a CD player and preamp, but not so good between
> the
> > preamp and power amp.
> >     I remain very sceptical about judging equipment by measurements
> > alone. If measurements tell us everything about how audio equipment
> > sounds, why do they keep inventing new ones? First, there was THD,
> > total harmonic distortion.
> The question here is, do you measure with instruments or with ears?
> Either way, you are measuring.
> Most sciences progress by devising better measurements; consider
> astronomy, for instance.
> Measuring (for instance) THD tells you something, but you need to know
> how it varies at different voltage levels, and into different loads.
> Regards
> --
> Don Cox
> doncox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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