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Re: [ARSCLIST] Poor sound of modern recordings thread

Knowing Dave, I can understand his feelings, which have made me proud to do live and recorded projects with jazz and bliuegrass musicians, where the purity of the dynamics and acoustic sound are prime. I may only do one or two CD release projects a year, but never once have I been asked to "make it louder" in any way. People seem happy to have natural dynamics and clean, clear sound, with only one or two peaks reaching the ceiling of -0.3 dBFS.

Generalizing it to all musicians is conter productive, and I find it is the rockers and record companies that do the destructive over- processing...

But my main focus is working toward more restoration of older tapes, too, as it is very worthy work. Dave and I share a love of the spoken word.


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Oct 21, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Dave Radlauer wrote:

<< That optimism however is belied by the sorry results heard on most
recordings of the last three decades. Therefore one must wonder,
might inadequate monitoring facilities be to blame? >>

Musical artists (and their producers) must also share responsibility for the
poor sound of modern (ie last 30 years) recordings. We engineers are
unltimately employees or contractors to the giant egos and whims of artists and
producers. We are constantly asked to do things we know are wrong (the
loudness/squashed dynamics wars of the last 5-10 years may be the worst example).

This is just one of the reasons why as an engineer I've specialized in
restoration/preservation and spoken word productions.

Dave Radlauer

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