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Re: [ARSCLIST] revisiting tape bakers

Thanks for the considered response, George, and the apology. For the record, the out of context quote is fine. I can only add that this is the client's wish in this particular case.

Were it, say, a famous musician's life work or other valuable historical documentation, and given the funding to preserve it long term, I would never advocate discarding the originals.

But that of which I spoke were radio programs, and they are stored as pancakes with only a radio uplink label on it. All pertinent information has been entered into a database...

It still relates to baking, as the tape I meant would need to be baked again for subsequent playings. And, three of the 500 had to be reconstructed from original recordings as no amount of baking would let them play for more than a minute or two. If there had not been replacement source recordings, more stringent recovery would have been needed.
Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Nov 8, 2008, at 9:45 AM, George Brock-Nannestad wrote:

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

Hello all,

there has just been a very interesting and expansive exchange of views
concerning the mechanisms of baking on the ARSCLIST (go for subject line
'revisiting tape bakers' - it had not strayed when I started writing this),
and the latest comment by an experienced person - Lou Judson - says:

In fact, we are looking for some way to dispose of the tapes after
transfer, as they are simply not archivable except as voluminous
boxes of possibly sentimental but otherwise unusable materials!

(sorry, Lou, for quoting partly out of context).

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