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[ARSCLIST] OT - Response to Re: ARSCLIST Digest - 12 Nov 2008 to 13 Nov 2008 (#2008-306)

From: "Steven C. Barr"

<<Interestingly enough, the accidental postingof entire digests in the
guise of "quoted reply content" is (1) FAR from uncommon, and (2)

VERY rarely the fault of digitally-"savvy" four-year-olds (who mostly

KNOW better!!).>>

This one can get around some things on her own (pbskids.org, fisherprice), needs help with other things and like most of refuses to (or in her case, can't) read the manuals so she goes ahead and tries things thinking she can figure it out on her own.

I'm doing some research on tape handling and preservation practices, primarily in non-quad open reel video (got a little grant money) so Richard and Charles' debate was sitting open on my laptop, thus leading to the "situation". And no, she doesn't really know better, at least in this context (we're working on it)

.<<When replying to such a message, MAKE SURE that your e-mail program is NOT set to"Quote ENTIRE message in reply!>>

You're right about that, I hate seeing endless gobbledygook quotes in MIME format esp. since I subscribe in digest mode. Switched it off!

<<Is your resident four-year-old knowledgeable enought to appreciate his/her/itsown computer (these are quite affordable, making that option credible...?!) If so, we're in more trouble than I THOUGHT we were...?!>>

She is. We are. She asked for one for Christmas/Birthday and will probable get one of our old IMacs with the appropriate filters set.

Let me share one story that may either amuse or horrify you (please don't contact protective services).

I occasionally play poker online. Not too much, mainly freeroll tournaments (no buy-in, $100 or so in prize money that is distributed to the top 10% of finishers). A hold-em tournament I had registered for a while back opened, as Sam, my daughter was at the computer. She said "Daddy. look your checkers game started, can I play?" I was just about to take a shower and blow off the game, so I said sure. Quickly showed her what the buttons did (Fold, Check, Raise) and told her if she saw a picture card or an A it was a very good thing and to raise. I figured she might last a hand or two at the most.

I came back after my shower to find she was aggressively betting, had intimidated everyone at the table and had turned $1500 into over $10,000 (not really $10,000, think "points") She managed to rack up some more wins before getting bored and and asking to go to pbskids to play Curious George games.

I went back later to see how she placed. She made it into the money, 83rd place out of 1800 players with a whopping 18 cents win.

Now she coaches me when I play, and has grasped the rules of some other variations of poker, like Razz (low hand wins)

Be very scared

I am.

<<Forget about that-what does the kid think about baking reel to reel tape?

Frank B Strauss, DMD>>

I asked her and she did say she was interested in asking Santa for an Easy Bake oven. She thought it would be best for cupcakes, but would be willing to give tapes a try. She likes to help Daddy at work

She did not have an opinion on Pellon wipes (what I favor at the moment)

Bill Seery bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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