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Re: [ARSCLIST] "Difference Track"

This is not the answer you seek, but common practice if the proper head is not available to use the left or upper track only for mono cassettes, and to mix the two channels equally for records to cancel the difference noise.

Stereo cassete heads have a wider path than mono ones, so the right channel gets extra hiss from the guard band. And with wandering azimuth on casettes I will use only th left for mono...

I'll step aside now for the rest of the answers...

On Nov 21, 2008, at 9:10 PM, Garr Norick wrote:


I have read that when mono recordings (such as Records and Cassettes) are Digitized in stereo, using stereo playback equipment, there is a "Difference Track"... i.e., on a digitized recording that originated from a cassette being played on a stereo deck, that one of the resulting channels will usually have a great deal more tape hiss, and lower fidelity, than the other... I have also read that certain digital recording/editing/restoration software (namely Adobe Audition, and Diamond Cut Pro) can find and eliminate this track, presumably by finding and eliminating any frequencies that are not common to the two channels... I have Diamond Cut Pro... is there anyone here who is familiar with Diamond Cut Pro, and can tell me how to use this function in the software? Thanks in advance.

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