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Re: [ARSCLIST] Internship Search

Hi Ivan,

We have a great internship program here at Chace Audio in Burbank, CA.  We're not in the Midwest obviously, but if it sounds like something you'd be interested in, please feel free to contact me off-list for details.

Good luck!


Michele Winn
Manager, Element Preparation and Special Projects
Chace Audio for DVD, Film, and 
201 S. Victory Blvd.
Burbank, CA  91502
          842-8346 (p)
(818) 842-8353 (f)

> Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 07:29:25 -0800
> From: ink_blot2001@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [ARSCLIST] Internship Search
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> I am a student in the mid-west searching for an internship in audio restoration and/or preservation.  All that remains to be completed is an internship.  I have been searching for a few months with  very frustrating results.  Many places that normally offer them are no longer able due to financial issues (economy?), and many places I have been advised to check out have never offered them.  While I would not mind having to travel some distance for an internship, I would prefer to stay in the mid-west if possible.  Can anyone offer suggestions?  I would post a list of places I have already checked, but it would be difficult for me to compile and it would be relatively long.
> While I'm posting this, I figure it would also be a good time to ask about finding a job in audio restoration/preservation.  I have a bad feeling I might be going about it in the wrong manner.  I am not familiar with any degree programs in this field, so I assumed any experience would have to be picked up as an intern.  I also assumed that one would not stand a chance at being hired without some experience.  Are these assumptions correct?  I could easily complete my degree working as an intern in a studio or live sound situation.  However, I would not receive any training in restoration or working with older media forms and their respective hardware.  Any thoughts or advise?

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