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[ARSCLIST] Request for back issues

Hi all.

We are trying to create a complete collection of ARSC JOURNAL for our research library. Does anyone have the following they would care to get rid of ? Both ARSC HQ, Abebooks, eBay and other booksellers have been "invaded" but the following remain evasive so far..


Vol 30:2
Vol 29:2
Vol 28:1
Vol 28:2
Vol 26:1
Vol 25:1
Vol 25:2
Vol 24:1
Vol 23:1
Vol 23:2
Vol 22:1
Vol 21:1
Vol 21:2
Vol 20:1
Vol 16:3
Vol 14:1
Vol 13:1
Vol 12:3
Vol 10:1
Vol 9:2/3
Vol 7:3
Vol 8:1
Vol 8:2/3
Vol 6:3
Vol 6:1
Vol 6:2
Vol 4:1/2/3
Vol 3:1
Vol 2:2/3
Vol 2:1
Vol 1:1 (Out of Print)
Report on First Annual Conference
Vol 1:2/3

Look forward to hearing any tips/suggestions/proposals. Many thanks, Darren

¦ D P Ingram ¦ Ab Ingram Oy ¦
¦ darren at ingram.fi ¦ www.ingram.fi ¦
¦ +358 6 781 0275 (FIN) ¦ +46 8 5511 4995 (SWE) ¦ +44 203 014 3839 (UK) ¦
¦ extn 8001

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