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Re: [ARSCLIST] Medtner playing his 3rd Piano Concerto]

Hi Peter

Testament cd's saw worlwide distribution-I picked up  my copy of the Medner
in Bangkok and had originally read about the Maharajah sponsorship in a back
isue of Le Grand Baton,the Journal of the Sir Thoma Beecham Society.
Testament too issued dvd's- the 5 set Toscanini N.B.C  TV broadcasts 1948-52
incomplet concerts of course wa one good example.
Best wishes
Nigel Barrett

On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Punto <punto@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I do want to follow up on this since I initiated the discussion by trying
> to decipher and decode a record in hand. From the start, I was able to
> transliterate enough to be certain that Medtner was the composer and soloist
> on the disc and I had tracked down the Testament CD of the
> Medtner/Philharmonia/Dobrowen recording. I could not read enough of the rest
> of the text to conclude that this was definitely the 1947 Mahrajah of Mysore
> sponsored recording and not some other one since the recording company and
> all other information beyond composer, work and performer, was
> undecipherable to me. I did hear from Marcia Segal who very helpfully
> deciphered a scan I sent them and I now know that it is just a dismally poor
> pressing of the Philharmonia Abbey Road LP. I have not asked for permission
> to quote, so I hope she won't mind my sharing a portion of the
> correspondence in hope that someone else is familiar with the issuing label
> and might have more information on it. Mike Biel and Steve Smolian have
> ventured a fair amount on clarification on the Melodiya/MK situation, but
> this does not appear have anything to do with them, but rather something
> close to what is below.
> Very rough transliteration/phonetic rendering, enough that you may be able
>> to search via Google:
>> From top to bottom:
>> 1) The line at the top ending with CCCP
>> Ministyerstvo Cultyur CCCP (possibly)
>> Cultural Ministry of the Soviet Union
>> *>2) BCG and in the black ribbon beneaeth it
>> Vsyesoyuznaya Studiya Gramzapisi *(possibly)
>> the second word means "study"
> Anyone have more information or want a crack at the scan that I have made?
> Thanks to Marcia and anyone with supplemental info.
> Peter Hirsch

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