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[ARSCLIST] Question about grooves and styli

Hi all,

I am quite the amateur in the audio world (still a student!), and as part of a preservation internship I am assessing a collection of 10", 78 rpm, lacquered discs (w/ aluminum base) from the 1950s. As a part of my learning experience I am trying to identify groove types for these discs, and for others, and was hoping I could get some advice from the experts out there on the ARSCList on how to identify groove types. There seem to be a few websites out there, but I am loathe to trust them without some more information.

Also, if any of you can point me to a trustworthy resource on selecting styli for the various groove types and discs, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,
Bria Parker
MSI '09
School of Information
University of Michigan

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