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[ARSCLIST] Allen G. Debus, 1926-2009

The family of Allen Debus has asked me to share the sad news with the ARSC membership that Allen passed away last Friday. Allen was a pioneering collector and researcher of early popular recordings artists and he started in an era when you could still write many of them a letter and get first-hand information on the early days of recording. He started writing about recording artists with Jim Walsh in Hobbies Magazine over 50 years ago and continued his research and writing through the present day, most recently penning liner notes for Archeophone Records. He also co-authored the "Complete Entertainment Discography" with Brian Rust. He was also a renowned professor of the history of science at the University of Chicago, and he commanded equal respect in both his fields of scholarly pursuit. He was a longtime ARSC member and most recently attended the 2007 conference in Milwaukee.

An obituary appeared in the Chicago Tribune on Tuesday: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-hed-debus-03-mar10,0,5612964.story There will also be an obituary in the summer issue of the ARSC Newsletter.

David Seubert
ARSC President

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