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[AV Media Matters] [Fwd: [Fwd: Eliminating machine noise on audio tapes]]

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Date: Thu, 08 Apr 1999 06:40:58 -0400
From: "Rosalie G. Riegle" <riegle@svsu.edu>
Organization: Saginaw Valley State University
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To: riegle <riegle@tardis.svsu.edu>
Subject: [Fwd: Eliminating machine noise on audio tapes]

I am an oral historian with a vexing audio problem.  Working with the
brand new Marantz PMD 222, I recorded three very important interviews
that are nearly inaudible.  It was my fault: I used a good external mike
but inadvertantly set the microphone control to internal mike, so I
picked up all the machine noise.  I've been working with a local audio
engineer but he can't seem to filter the machine noise out as he says
it's so nearly the same frequency as the speakers' voices.  Does anyone
have any suggestions as to techniques or equipment?   Your help will
really be appreciated.

Rosalie G. Riegle
Professor of English
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710

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