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[AV Media Matters] Posting during NAB and MORE
Next week the National Association of Broadcasters annual meeting will
be taking place in Las Vegas. During this time, postings to the list
will be less frequent then normal. Rest assured that all postings WILL
appear, but there will be more of a delay then normal.
Those of you who will be at NAB are invited to visit the VidiPax booth
in the Sands where we will be showing some Necro Media as well as some
old and interesting machines. This year for the first time - we will be
showing a WORKING wire recorder from our collection, and Art Shifrin
will be playing some vintage recordings on wire - a rare treat. So when
you come to the Sands - stop by at the booth and say hello to myself,
Jim and Elinor Wheeler, and Art Shifrin and get a well needed chocolate
fix - and see some new OLD stuff at NAB.
And for those of you who ONLY want to see the NEW bleeding edge
technology - - - There will also be a special guest appearance at our
booth of some brand NEW technology for RECORDING DVD-RAM and DVD-R (NOT
as easy as it sounds) - from a brand new company - shhhhh TOP SECRET.
So come over - it's always great fun and a bit of a break from the NAB
mayhem.... we are in a great location this year, right near the front
door (more or less) - and as usual - we will be the people in the Lab
Jim Lindner
The Full Service Magnetic Media Restoration Company
See our Web Site at www.vidipax.com
212-563-1999 ext. 102