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Re: [AV Media Matters] 78 rpm gramophone records
The laser turntable is a bad idea. All reports (and my own experience on
early models confirms this) indicate there are serious problems with
anything but the cleanest of copies, totally without warps, in a dust-free-
and I mean free- environment. Find a Technics SP-10 or SP-15, three speed
and 10% variable speed in each direction. They are long out of production,
but were the best tables ever made for transfer.
Interchangeable styli in different sizes and shapes can be obtained from
Expert Stylus, in England. I can't find the address right now, but they are
well known. They can also supply cartridges, usually Shure M-44s or the
Steve Smolian
Moderators Comment:
I agree with Steve on this one, and I also do not agree with going to Laser
Disk for preservation - at least if that is the only format used for
preservation re masters that are being created. I assume that you are
referring to CD-R. At the moment the archival standard is still 1/4" reel
to reel analog for preservation.