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Re:[AV Media Matters] Run time for 16mm
For 16mm shot at 24fps runs at 36 feet per second:
Divide the length in feet by 36. This will yield the minutes as a decimal.
Multiple the decimal fraction by 60 to get seconds.
For example:
Have 374 feet of 16mm film how many minutes and seconds does the film run?
374 divided by 36 equals 10.3889
3889 times 60 equals 23.333
so 374 feet equals 00:10:23 hh:mm:ss of running time
As an exercise for the rest of the class:
What is the running time of 374 feet of 16mm recorded at 18 fps? (3/4 normal
What is the running time of 1235 feet of 35mm? (given that 35mm runs 90 feet
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Subject: [AV Media Matters] Run time for 16mm
Author: <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
Date: 6/11/99 11:53 AM
On Fri, 11 Jun 1999 c.s.woods@dorset-cc.gov.uk wrote:
>Can someone please give us some guidance about standard playing times
for 8mm
>and 16 mm film, by length.