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[AV Media Matters] Rewinding - Master Tape Checking and Cleaning

The comments about rewinding tapes have been detailed interesting and very
useful - thanks.

Following on from that, what value is there (if any) of non destructive
checking, cleaning and 'reconditioning' (whatever that may mean) master
video tapes (open reel and cassette) in machines sold for that purpose?

Is it a case again of leaving well alone, or is there a positive balance on
the pro/con account? If the pros have it what are the operational details
(methods - frequency ...).

                                   Tony Gardner

                        DG10D3 Audiovisual Unit
                                    TRE120 1/63
                            European Commission
                   Wetstraat 200  1049 Brussels

           +32 2 299 9161   +32 2 299 9218(fax)
                             +32 75 828051(gsm)


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