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RE: [AV Media Matters] Regular winding/rewinding of tape and film
Thanks Jim,
I HAD heard of a metal ribbon German machine I think, maybe not
knowing it was German, but European, and had forgotten! Thanks for
the history lesson.
Yes, I know of several wire recorded reels apparently still able to
be used.
The computer cartridges I was mentioning are the inexpensive
computer back up solutions so widely sold to the PC community, and
NOT nearly as robust as those you mention. I am fairly confident
they would do fine but for students here at UT using back packs to
carry theirs, with lint fuzz, and dirt in them, not to mention
scraps of lunch, etc. that stress any recorded format. And they sit
in the heat on their backs as they hike the campus 80 plus acres!
In an automobile, I did some dashboard measurements of heat buildup
in a parked situation, and routinely here in Summer see 145 degrees
F. Am surprised any cassette audio tapes can be played any time in
cars. We do see some deteriorate regularly. Our family makes
copies of favorite tapes to prevent the originals from seeing the
harsh auto environments. We clean those decks and get Sand
particles on the cleaner tape cloth after some weather fronts pass
through our area.
Stuart Rohre
Univ. of TX
Applied Research Labs ESL