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Re: [AV Media Matters] Metal ribbon machines

I am wondering if you are speaking about the Blattnerphone, a metal tape
sound recording used by broadcasters, including the CBC.   This was not by
any means an amature recording device with the CBC only affording 12 reeesl,
for example.

If you need further information  on the Blattnerphone please contact me

Ernest J. Dick,
Consulting Archivist,
Historian of Sound and the Moving Image,
P. O. Box 95, Granville Ferry, Nova Scotia B0S 1K0
902 532-0969 / ejdick@mid.auracom.com

Moderators Comment:
No, I actually had a photo that was scanned of the beast at Swedish Radio,
but it seems that in a recent cleaning - Norton Utilities decided I did not
need it any more - but fear not - when Art "Shiffy" Shifrin returns from
holiday it shall be posted.


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