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RE: [AV Media Matters] Polyline envelope

Perhaps some of the lab folks on the list can comment, could one just test a
sample of the material with test papers, (Litmus papers)?

Seems like you could mash up the sample in distilled water, and perhaps heat
the solution to encourage components to release from the divider material, and
then test the cooled solution with standard pH or Litmus methods.  A pH meter
would be the ideal method, but litmus should be available in chemical supply
house catalogs and stores in large cities.

The other issue for any protective material:  is it, over time, hydroscopic,
and thus will bring water vapor in to contact the stored archival media?

Some plastic materials, (urethane binders of tape) have been big problems.
Maybe a plastics handbook is known to some list members that would have
convenient tables of such properties.

Stuart Rohre

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