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Re: [AV Media Matters] Archival?

A good article Jim.

Also, any helical scan tape can degrade if the tape stretches. In the audio
world, that's why archivists are reluctant to choose dat tape as an archival
format (and video is yet a more complicated signal). They are tending
towards CDR in stead. USed to be open reel analog, but those machines are
getting hard to come by. Who knows what formats will be popular, let alone
available, in 10 years? But there are enought CD audio machines out there
right now to conclude that some method of playing them will be avialable in
the short term future. Is there any acrchival format acceptable at all?

Joe Salerno-A Battery is Always on Charge!
Video Production & Post Production
PO Box 273405
Houston TX 77277-3405
Fax: 603-415-7616

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Wheeler <Jimwheeler@aol.com>
To: <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 2:07 PM
Subject: RE: [AV Media Matters] Archival?

> Adam
> I wrote an article for a recent AMIA  newsletter on this topic so I will
> attach the article here.  Basically, a true "archival" medium must not
> degrade the original and compression degrades the video.

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