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Re: [AV Media Matters] Seeking info on: color printer ink
-----Original Message-----
From: records <records@xecu.net>
To: AV-Media-Matters@topica.com <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
Date: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: [AV Media Matters] Seeking info on: color printer ink stability
>As I understand it, the inks are all acid based and may well work their way
>through the lacquer surface eventually. I'm using water-based ink pen
>no labels (similar problems with the adhesive.) Now if my handwriting were
>Steve Smolian
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Debbie L. Nelson <dlnelso3@facstaff.wisc.edu>
>To: AV-Media-Matters@topica.com <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
>Date: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 6:43 PM
>Subject: [AV Media Matters] Seeking info on: color printer ink stability
>>Moderators Comment:
>>This is kind of off topic - but I am interested in the reply because most
>>the CD-R printers use ink jet and I haven't seen any discussion of what
>>might do to the CD over time. So I will let it go and hope you agree that
>>is off topic - but not TOO off topic.
>>I am looking for information on the topic of "color printer ink stability"
>>for a paper I am working on. The paper is for a preservation &
>>conservation class. I hope that someone can point me in the right
>>direction for information sources or contact people. I would be happy to
>>send anyone who provides suggestions a copy of the paper after it is
>>I have a very short timeframe for completing the paper, but I hope to
>>revise it to meet publishing standards in the future. Any information or
>>assistance would be greatly appreciated.
>>Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, please feel free to
>>contact me.
>>Responses should be directed to me & not the listserv. My e-mail address
>>is: dlnelso3@facstaff.wisc.edu
>>Debbie L. Nelson
>>University of Wisconsin-Madison