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RE: [AV Media Matters] Seeking info on: color printer ink stabil ity
Take a look at the lead article in May 1999 Issue of AIC News,
"Fugitive Modern Media . . ." particularly the section "Conservation
Implications of Computer Generated Printing: The Ink Jet Printer"
written by Kathleen Orlenko. She may be reached at 408 261 8278.
Hilary A. Kaplan
Georgia Department of Archives and History
330 Capitol Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30334
404 656 3554
FAX 404 651 8471
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Debbie L. Nelson [mailto:dlnelso3@facstaff.wisc.edu]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 6:42 PM
>To: AV-Media-Matters@topica.com
>Subject: [AV Media Matters] Seeking info on: color printer
>ink stability
>Moderators Comment:
>This is kind of off topic - but I am interested in the reply
>because most of
>the CD-R printers use ink jet and I haven't seen any
>discussion of what that
>might do to the CD over time. So I will let it go and hope
>you agree that it
>is off topic - but not TOO off topic.
>I am looking for information on the topic of "color printer
>ink stability"
>for a paper I am working on. The paper is for a preservation &
>conservation class. I hope that someone can point me in the right
>direction for information sources or contact people. I would
>be happy to
>send anyone who provides suggestions a copy of the paper after it is
>I have a very short timeframe for completing the paper, but I hope to
>revise it to meet publishing standards in the future. Any
>information or
>assistance would be greatly appreciated.
>Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, please
>feel free to
>contact me.
>Responses should be directed to me & not the listserv. My
>e-mail address
>is: dlnelso3@facstaff.wisc.edu
>Debbie L. Nelson
>University of Wisconsin-Madison