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[AV Media Matters] Oldish audio equipment

2000 Greetings:

     This is a great listserv that will become all the more so as
new technology creates increasingly complex matters related to those
concerned about long-term preservation.

     I have a relatively non-esoteric question: what--short of
trashing--might subscribers suggest be done with such ancient open-reel
recording equipment as Sony 800Bs, Uher 5000s, etc. that will probably
function so long as they are repaired?  Here we've used cassette
machines only for field interviewing since 1984, they having been
purchased as the open-reel machines began malfunctioning--and a
decision made at that time not to repair them....Meanwhile, I've
continued to packrat them--though now have to unload them....Any
thoughts on this problem, which others might have as well, would be
appreciated!  Dale.

Dale E. Treleven, Director
UCLA Oral History Program
Room A253 Bunche Hall
Box 951575
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575
(310) 825-4932 - phone
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