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[AV Media Matters] Admin - Re: Multiple Replies

Occasionally when a good thread gets going - like the recent candle wax
one - there will be multiple posts to the list with ideas which is great
- the issue though is multiple replies from the original poster
regarding the suggestions. In this specific case, I reluctantly (just
now) let them go - but my preferance is for the original poster to put
all of their replies in a single email. This makes it easy for those
people not interested in the thread to delete one versus 4 postings, and
also keeps things a bit lower in the traffic department. I had a private
email from Graeme where he mentioned that he will consolidate and let us
know what the results are - but to be timely I just let the immediate
posts go. If someone has some comments on this "policy" I am all ears -
I just don't want to burden the list.

While I have your attention (I hope) - are there any opinions about
cross postings? I receive them every now and then and if they appear to
be on topic I have been letting them go. I also am very active on a
number of other lists, and occasionally I do see threads that might
benefit this list. I do realize that many of you are active on other
lists also - so my posting these threads may be redundant....
Any opinions on submitted cross postings? Any opinions on my cross
posting things I come across that is on topic?


Jim Lindner - President
VidiPax - The Magnetic Media and Information Migration Full Services
Telephone 212-563-1999
Moderator of A/V Media Matters@topica.com

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