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Re: [AV Media Matters] Preservation query

In a message dated 03/08/2000 9:51:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,
amsden@btinternet.com writes:

>There are a number of facilities in the UK that will transfer video to film,
>so I would imagine that they will also exist in the States.

Of course the transfer of electronic images to film is the essence
of modern theatrical film special effects.  I imagine the cost
amounts to dollars per frame if capital depreciation of the facility
is accounted for.

Twenty-five years ago I walked into a darkened back room at the
Kodak Research Laboratories and saw an elaborate setup with color
kinescopes on an optical bench intended for tape to 16 mm film
transfer and was amazed that anyone was still trying to do that

As for long term storage, it seems that most archivists are
desperately trying to transfer film to an electronic medium before
it disintegrates. Cryogenic storage in dry nitrogen may be great,
but who can afford it.

Kodak is probably the best authority on the subject and they should
be glad to help.  Try:


then their service and support link.

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