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[AV Media Matters] Who gets the $ ? - Match the $
I may have been a bit too conservative in my projections for $ generated
by those annoying intro's and outro's to our list. They are kind of
annoying - but it could have been much worse - I basically don't even
see them anymore. AND Believe it or not we are already up to $10 - OK -
it isn't enough to retire on - but at this rate we will probably break
$75 by the end of the year which would seem to be an appropriate time to
give the money to a worthy cause - and may I also suggest that some of
us - well at least one of us (as in me) will match that money. So those
of you who feel you benefit by participation on the list - how about
joining me with a matching grant to the non-profit group of our choice!
And those of you who HATE the AD'S - well here is a way to vent your
anger - give their hard earned advertising budget to a non-profit that
really could use it! Sounds fair to me! And those of you who don't want
to spend YOUR money - but are happy to spend the advertisers money -
participate more on the list - every email generates a few sheckles that
will multiply with the matching so there is more then one way to help!
So the plan - let's pick a good organization that supports our field -
give it the advertising revenue and get a bunch of us to match - let's
see what we can do! Think we can break $1000? That would be around 15
matchers - and there are around 650 of you out there - let's go for it!
Waddya Say?!?
Now Who?
I suggest an archival association that services the field - but I can be
convinced otherwise. Examples of such organizations could be... (in no
particular order)
you get the idea. So let the suggestions begin! I will keep a list, and
in a couple of weeks give all the entries and we can all vote and pick
Jim Lindner - President
VidiPax - The Magnetic Media and Information Migration Full Services
Telephone 212-563-1999
Moderator of A/V Media Matters@topica.com